Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride

Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride

"I would like to congratulate Bev Roberts with writing her book 'Hope in a Dark Tunnel'. It is a story about a real person going through a real life challenge. Stories like this are always powerful in giving others hope and a resolve to face their own problems. But this book gives the reader more than hope, it outlines a path to follow. A path leading not only to recovery from physical illness, but to dealing with life’s challenges as a whole. I warmly recommend it!"

~ Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, bestselling author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome

Dr Bridget Cooper

Dr Bridget Cooper

“Masterfully structured, ‘Hope in a Dark Tunnel’ provides just that and then some. Bev Roberts speaks from, and to, the heart in chronicling her trying journey through the shadows of chronic illness so that others might be saved unnecessary pain. It’s a must-read and matchless reference companion for anyone in, or connected to, that struggle.”

~ Dr Bridget Cooper, PhD, bestselling author of Pain Rebel and Little Landslides

Andrea Beaman

Andrea Beaman

"If you are one of the millions of people struggling with chronic illness with no relief in sight, let Bev be your guide back to hope. She's been where you are, and she has the know-how and actionable steps you need to experience better health and well being. As you read through this book, you'll get to know Bev as a good friend and support system who can help you make it through this challenging time in your life." 

~ Andrea Beaman, Holistic Health Coach, Herbalist, author of Happy Healthy Thyroid

Bryan Falchuk

Bryan Falchuk

“Bev’s journey is unfortunately common, and yet so often hidden as those suffering are dismissed, shamed and blamed—especially when their illness is not visible. Hope in a Dark Tunnel seeks to upend all of that by empowering you to advocate for your own wellness, be in touch with your body, and provide it the compassionate and help it needs to be well. Hope in a Dark Tunnel is full of very practical guidance taken step by step so you can apply it as you work through health challenges or just seek wellness more broadly in your life. As Bev puts it so beautifully, it lets you “see yourself as a well being”.”

~ Bryan Falchuk, bestselling author of Do a Day

Tom Evans

Tom Evans

“There is much wisdom and depth in this relatively short book. It tells of the author's journey from relative wellness to illness and dis-ease and back again. If anyone is suffering physically, mentally or even spiritually, read it. If a friend or family member is not firing on all cylinders, read it. If you are just OK and want to stay well, read it too. It's a story and message bravely shared which deserves to reach a wide audience.”

~ Tom Evans, Insight Timer meditation guide and co-author of The Big Ü