Sick of looking like you’re pregnant because your belly bloats whenever you eat?

Confused as to why this is happening and want it to stop?

Improving gut health is key if you want to

🔑 resolve common gut issues like belly bloat, gas, reflux, constipation or diarrhoea and

🔑 address the seemingly unrelated issues of excess weight, brain fog, fatigue, anxiety or depression

If you're a woman struggling with exhaustion and excess weight then this Oh my Good Gut! course + mastermind is for you. Get clear on what steps to experiment with to sort out the underlying digestive issues.

What you eat may deplete your immune system, cause inflammation and digestive stress. Good gut health is the missing link to move forward with rebuilding your energy and releasing weight.

As a wellbeing transformation coach I work with women in business who experience exhaustion that a good night’s sleep doesn’t fix. It’s a sign their body isn’t coping.

Almost without exception my clients have poor or compromised gut health as a root cause of their exhaustion, weight, mood or immunity issues.

Get your gut health on track with Oh my Good Gut!

Oh my Good Gut! is a live interactive course + mastermind with 4 x 60 min live calls and a private Facebook group.

We cover a mix of scientific info, answer the why's and why not's, discuss gut friendly vs pro-inflammatory foods and build practical little good gut habits so you feel equipped to say goodbye to your belly bloat and digestive issues. Sign up now for the wait list and secure your investment of just AU$195 (+-US$114)

Why is gut health so important?

Improving your gut health will mean

👍🏻 easier weight management

👍🏻 less illness and improved immunity

👍🏻 better more stable mood

👍🏻 better quality sleep

👍🏻 much more energy

Imagine spending just 4 weeks experimenting with doable, easy little habits one step at a time so you discover the upside of good gut health on your weight, mood, energy, brain and wellbeing.

When you commit to experimenting with the little good gut habits

  • Your digestive issues significantly improve so you feel good

  • Your little good gut habits start having a big impact on your gut health and overall wellbeing

  • Your body is less inflamed so is likely to release weight more readily

  • Your skin feels and looks so much clearer and brighter

  • You feel accountable not judged to keep taking steps to improve your gut health

  • You are capable to do what you know with ease and no overwhelm

What you’ll learn

Say goodbye to digestive issues with Oh my Good Gut course + mastermind with Bev Roberts from Living Fabulously
  • The role of the gut and causes of belly bloat

  • Why 70% of your immunity resides in the gut

  • Why hydration matters and how to calculate your water intake

  • How our microbiome is impacted by what we eat

  • What foods are gut friendly vs pro-inflammatory

  • The importance of elimination and why constipation or diarrhoea is a big issue

  • Tips to overcome constipation without laxatives

  • The gut - brain connection and why the gut is called our ‘second brain’

  • Triggers and impact of leaky gut on your immunity, energy, joint pain and brain fog

  • How to celebrate without using food

How Oh my Good Gut! is delivered

👉🏻 Live weekly calls on Wednesdays, 10am AEDT where you learn about a specific aspect of gut health + Q&A

👉🏻 Take action on 1 little habit each week that will create the change you want

👉🏻 Report back weekly on progress, reframing issues and appreciation for what’s changing in your body

👉🏻 Use the collective wisdom of the community to ask and answer questions, give and receive support

👉🏻 Invitation to attend a Bonus Q&A in week 4 so you feel equipped to embed the little good gut habits

Don’t just take it from me here’s what Miranda D shared

For the past 3 years my tummy has been a giant block of solid inflammation, no movement at all when I bent over... it looked like I was always pregnant, even though my baby is 3 and walking around outside of me!

Since I have been focusing on my gut health, reducing inflammation, eating the foods that love my body, increasing movement ....all the important, prioritised things...and ta da!! Progress

If you want to feel great, look good, have more energy and think with more clarity sign up now for the waitlist and secure your investment of just AU$195 (+-US$114)

Waitlist now so you don’t miss out on our next round!

Who’s facilitating Oh my Good Gut!

Oh my Good Gut course and mastermind with Bev Roberts from Living Fabulously 5.png

Hello I’m Bev Roberts, a certified well-being transformation coach and bestselling author. I work with women in business who constantly feel exhausted - that’s a sign your body isn’t coping and something needs to change.

I'm known for getting to the root cause of health issues and well-being transformations by 'rewiring' for healthy habits to create energy and vitality!

Why work with me?

  • We’ll use an evidence-based approach and give you the tools to address your liver issues

  • I’m non-judgemental and caring about the reality you're in

  • As your facilitator I’ll be firm but fair with accountability for commitments you’ve made

  • I’m insightful and work in an intuitive way to help you to take the right actions

  • I completely understand the need to make the complex appear simple - it’s one of my superpowers