
058 How the gut affects your mood and hormones | Brittney Prendergast

I wasn’t a person who suffered with tummy related issues… for me it was the emotional and mental struggles with anxiety and depression was how my gut issues were showing themselves
— Brittney Prendergast

A difficult childhood with anxiety and panic attacks gave Brittney the drive to learn how to heal. Sadly after miscarriages, her thirst for knowledge led her to exploring more about hormones which in turn uncovered the linkage between gut health, mood and hormones. Brittney is an author, holistic wellbeing coach and now trains others to follow their passion in the wellbeing space.

We cover a lot of ground in a short time and you will come away with a clear understanding that your health begins in the gut.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Brittney Prendergast

We spoke about

  • From a childhood with anxiety and panic disorder to teaching gut health

  • What does good gut health look like

  • What is leaky gut

  • Linkage between leaky gut and chronic disease

  • 3 step process to heal the gut

  • Eliminating troublesome foods through substitution

  • Relationship between mood disorders and gut health

  • The link between poor gut health and your hormonal function

  • Appreciating and nurturing our body

Value Quotes 

“We have more bacteria in our bodies than we do human genes and good bacteria have a purpose”

“Foods that would normally have been contained in the gut are now floating free in the bloodstream which was intended to be completely sterile”

“Leaky gut is present in a majority of diseases and therefore leads to this chronic state of inflammation in the body”

“I wasn’t a person who suffered with tummy related issues… for me it was the emotional and mental struggles with anxiety and depression was how my gut issues were showing themselves”

“Foods created in a laboratory are wreaking havoc on our bodies as they do not understand what these foreign objects are”

“There is nutrition in raw honey that there isn’t in refined white sugar and second the body understands it”

“Little by little when you take on just one thing at a time, a year down the road you can have a complete transformation and transition in the way you are eating”

“Beside food culprits of leaky gut, things like pain killers and pharmaceuticals are a big big cause of gut permeability”

“Most of our serotonin, our happy juice is produced in the gut”

“The gut flora is transferred to your baby when it’s born” (by natural birth)

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

Episode Links

You can find Brittney Prendergast at:



Do you find yourself in the tug-o-war mindset of “I want something sweet”? Take this FREE quiz with steps to reclaim your shape and get back your va-va-va-voom! Head to

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Brittney Prendergast on Living Fabulously with Bev P2.png
Brittney Prendergast on Living Fabulously with Bev P3.png

029 Focus on having a great life | Clarissa Rayward

Put simply the pace of life coupled with a number of other things at the moment is creating a lot of havoc for a lot of people. It’s something we really need to start addressing, thinking about and making shifts in how we live so that we can be well and live as long as we can
— Clarissa Rayward -

When I heard Clarissa’s key note speech at the We are Podcast conference recently I was moved by the statistic that 1 in 3 lawyers will struggle with depression, anxiety or some form of a mental health challenge at some stage in their career.  As Clarissa rightly says we consult a lawyer at our most difficult and stressful times in our lives so professionally lawyers are dealing with conflict and negative situations daily.

Clarissa’s journey as the “happy family lawyer” began in 2013 when she started writing a blog which has become a vehicle to not only create a shift in herself but to also to make a difference in her profession.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Clarissa  

Clarissa Rayward

We spoke about 

  • Shifting focus to be a happy family lawyer

  • Some of the drivers for the rates of depression in legal professionals

  • Jerome Doraisamy’s experience as a law student and his quest to help others

  • Creating a supportive environment in the work place

  • Key elements to disengage from work

  • The impact of the pace of life on our wellbeing

  • What success looks like for Clarissa and how this differs to traditional legal measures

  • The value of self reflection

  • Supportive practices for living a happy life

  • Clarissa’s book “Happy lawyer, happy life”

  • Enjoying the relationships in your life

Value Quotes 

“I try and work with family’s in a way that keeps them outside of traditional court processes and gives them the best chance to move forward after a divorce with some semblance of a relationship intact”

“To open up a conversation around how we can live better as lawyers, manage the stresses that come with being a professional in this space and ideally try and reduce the statistic”

“We hear a lot of the phrase in our industry of ‘compassion fatigue’, where dealing with these difficult moments and tragedies all the time starts to rub off on our mental health as well and makes it more difficult for us to cope”

“One of the things that I think is really important to our mental health, wellbeing, just our capacity to live life well is rest”

“Rest comes in a number of different ways. Rest is nightly sleeping and many of us don’t get enough sleep on a day to day basis but rest is also the capacity to disconnect from your job”

“That seems to be another one of those big precursors to depression and anxiety as I just can’t disconnect and enable my mind the time it needs to heal itself”

“Put simply the pace of life coupled with a number of other things at the moment is creating a lot of havoc for a lot of people. It’s something we really need to start addressing thinking about, and making shifts in how we live so that we can be well and live as long as we can”

“We can get very caught up in other people’s success stories and their own markers of success rather than pausing and thinking what does it mean for me, what is important to me, what do I want to look back on at the end of my life…”

“Trying to have a positive mindset and seeing the world from a place of opportunity”

“I think you can be a great lawyer but it’s probably more important to focus on having a great life”

“Taking the time to allow yourself to enjoy the people around you, your family, your good friends, whoever it is. Make sure you make time for that stuff.”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

Episode Links

You can find Clarissa at:



Clarissa’s interview with Jerome Doraisamy on overcoming anxiety and depression:


028 Be accountable for the life you choose to live | Annette Tonkin

Be aware of what you are putting into your brain as it will affect your life
— Annette Tonkin -

Being at the Olympics was the pinnacle of success for Annette who achieved this yet realised that she wasn’t happy. She had spent so much of her life trying to prove that she was good enough and it was a dark period but thankfully Annette has learned how to manage her anxiety and depression.  

We talk about her journey, her insights and strategies. It is fabulous that Annette now fulfils her passion by working with health professionals to transform the way they work with patients to improve outcomes for everybody.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Annette

Annette Tonkin

We spoke about 

  • A dual life of internal mess and external success

  • The impact of trying to prove she was good enough

  • Power of the mind body connection

  • Role of unconscious conditioning in the beliefs we acquire

  • Changing your beliefs by changing the wiring of your brain

  • Personal strategies for dealing with overwhelm, anxiety and dark thoughts

  • Managing frustration and anger

  • Awareness and impact of self-talk, blaming and complaining

  • Being aware of what you are putting into your brain

Value Quotes 

“Acute awareness of the mind body connection and how difficult it is to get over injury or illness if you don’t have the right mindset”

“Some of the self-talk I did I wouldn’t even do to my worst enemies”

“It taught me a powerful lesson about achieving things that are important to you, not to prove yourself to other people”

“Just because you decide to do something doesn’t automatically mean it’s there and it’s happened”

“The mind body connection is that one can’t exist without the other”

“There is some fantastic research coming out on how the mind influences what goes out into body, into the healing rate of the body and the reception of the mind of what’s going on”

“You can change any conditioning or any belief you have as long as you make a decision to do it, have something to fill it with and then be prepared to put in the hard work”

“The more entrenched the habit and the more benefits the habit has for you at an unconscious level the harder it is to change”

“Asking the one single question of what’s important now, Lou Holtz WIN strategy, and recognising what the most important thing I can do now and then do it”

“Once you take action overwhelm seems to dissipate to some degree”

“It’s very hard to breathe slowly and deeply and stay anxious at the same time”

“See anxiety as a friend and ask what it’s trying to tell me”

“Asking myself what’s real right now help’s me put a better perspective on it”

“I’ve become very aware of what’s going into my brain”

“No matter what happens my feelings are my responsibility”

“Your mind is complicit in the provocation of any emotion you have”

“Be really aware of what you are putting into your brain through the five senses”

“Your brain will affect what you think, what you think affects how you feel and what you feel affects what you do”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now! 

Episode Links 

You can find Annette at:



Placebo research update with Fabrizio Benedetti on the Brain Science podcast:

Norman Doidge on Conversations with Richard Fidler (ABC):

Zig Ziglar blog:

The Brian Buffini Show:

Viktor Frankl youth in search of meaning and purpose TED talk: