021 The power of choice | Dr Micaela Becattini

Surrender and let go knowing that we have the power to make choices
— Dr Micaela Becattini -

Can you imagine the stress and frustration of migrating to a country where you don’t speak the language nor understand the culture? Being a migrant myself I can imagine how much more difficult it would make the integration of old and new. Micaela uses her own experience and her vast training to support people to navigate life transitions by mastering their mindset, to understand their emotions and tap into their true resilience so they can move through changes smoothly without suffering a complete meltdown!

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Micaela

We spoke about

  • Micaela’s own intense life transition

  • The distinction between transition and change

  • Our default position when we feel afraid

  • The cycle of loss and how self-awareness supports navigation

  • The value of surrendering and letting go

  • The importance of writing down our needs, wants and desires

  • Rediscovering our values and feeding gratitude

  • Recalibrating a victim attitude

  • The fundamental value of list of absolute no’s

  • Clarity of our needs and values in order to effectively communicate with others

  • The value of being explicit about your needs and taking action

  • Being comfortable with our emotions

  • Judgement versus remaining open to the possibilities life gives us

Value Quotes

“I had to dispute all the negative thinking I was going through”

”Know that these transitions could take time”

“We take time to change our habits, or to heal or to move forward”

“Transition is such a personal journey”

“Take care of ourselves and build a good support system”

“Although it is not possible to solve every problem it is important to consider possible solutions”

“What helped me to overcome this victim attitude was to take care of myself”

“Certain habits no longer reflect our new way of seeing our life”

“Our habits can change if the aim is to take more care of ourselves”

“When you are aware of your needs and your values it is easier to communicate what is really important to you”

“We need to remember that we need to be flexible and open minded”

“Everything can change, in fact the only certain things in life is change”

“Consider that the extremes don’t really help but we need to find the line where we can feel comfortable to say this is what I think”

“Keep expressing your true self and your vulnerability”

“I’m a believer that we need to help men to be emotionally aware and emotionally available”

“Let fear walk beside us and not in front of us. We need to be courageous”

“We need to be open to new learning. We need to be open to connect in new ways to embrace the change”

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Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

Episode Links

You can find Dr Micaela Becattini at:

Website: www.micaelabecattini.com.au

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/micaela.lifetransitionspecialist/
