
059 Build your positive self talk muscle | Marla Mervis-Hartmann

Not liking myself means that I get to play it small. Not liking my body means that I don’t have to show up in the world in a certain way. So some ways it’s a kind of scapegoat to play small
— Marla Mervis-Hartmann -

Do you have a healthy relationship with your body? Marla Mervis-Hartmann, a Reiki Master and Teacher, has followed her passion for women’s health down many paths of study and helps people to answer yes to the question: do you love your body?

She struggled with the obsession of not liking her body, over-exercising a lot, under-eating and then over-eating and bingeing.  Moving from the stress and negative behaviours to acceptance and self-love changed her relationship with her body and her life.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Marla Mervis-Hartmann

We spoke about 

  • Marla’s journey to acceptance

  • Why some people aren’t loving the body they’re in

  • How we create a negative body image

  • The impact of body image on our lives

  • Is food really the issue?

  • Taking control of your self talk

  • A practical way of looking at self love

  • Marla’s tips for living fabulously

Value Quotes 

“As we know anxiety just ain’t good for anything”

“We’ve got this crazy ideal of stick thin models who don’t really even look like that themselves”

“So lots of times this not enough feeling that we’re feeling; it shows up physically but it can really be a tell-tale sign of a deeper ‘I’m not enough’”

“Saying that we love ourselves or saying yeah I’m ok with what I look like is not the norm”

“Not liking myself means that I get to play it small. Not liking my body means that I don’t have to show up in the world in a certain way. So in some ways it’s a kind of scapegoat to play small”

“When I work with people it’s not about figuring out what you’re going to eat. It’s about figuring out why you’re so concerned about what you want to eat”

“Get really clear and become very aware of how you are talking to yourself”

“Give some positivity to what you know about yourself to be true”

“If I care about myself and love myself then I am going to take a more positive action”

“When we surrender to what we look like its then that we can actually find ourselves, its then when we can then have more love for ourselves”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

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Marla Mervis-Hartmann on Living Fabulously with Bev 3.png

Episode Links

You can find Marla Mervis-Hartman at:

Website: www.loveyourbodyloveyourself.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loveyourbodyloveyourself/

Marla’s TEDx talk - The Secret Ingredient to Feeling: Good in your Body: https://youtu.be/nEVjlT9B6dU


Is It Time To Break Up With Feeling Stressed Out?

Start a new relationship with calm and learn how to dump living maxed out and overwhelmed for good.

Have the ability to:

✅ Feel calm and serene

✅ Be productive and engaged

✅ Feel at ease and expansive

✅ Be free of worries

Become Calm and Collected once again when you download this FREE guided relaxation.

Plug in your earbuds and change your mood anytime of the day... not while driving of course!

Enhance your sense of well-being to feel like you’ve taken a mini-vacation in under 7 minutes a day!

Calm and Collected that’s what I want! 

057 The truth behind your negativity | Clayton John Ainger

No matter where we are in our life whether we’re experiencing extreme challenges or extreme joy there will always be things in your life that fulfil you and make you happy
— Clayton John Ainger -

When I first met Clayton John Ainger it felt like we’d known one another for a long time and his presence is palpable. He is an award-winning author, spiritual teacher, speaker and consultant who is so generous with sharing his own lessons, practical insights and actions.

In this episode we explore negativity and how it can be your greatest teacher when you pay attention and give it a voice. Be free and let yourself go is a catch phrase Clayton used and it’s so supportive of living fabulously.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Clayton John Ainger

We spoke about

  • An unfulfilling job and life with skewed values

  • Shifting to a journey with the Ego’s Code

  • 4 early indicators to ward off the impact of stress

  • 4 steps to addressing negativity

  • Getting out of stuckness with negative thoughts

  • Acting in line with our values

  • Clayton’s book The Ego’s Code

  • Simple ways to change your energy

Value Quotes

“A path and a journey began about really wanting to explore my own negativity, my own levels of stress that I was experiencing and how my life outside of me was being reflected outward from within me”

“What I would have done differently is not ignored the messages that have come through my negativity and the messages through stress that came up through my life”

“We experience negativity for a reason and that spiritually negativity is there to serve and help us”

“Positive thinking doesn’t work it just heightens the level of stress we have. So even though we know better why don’t we do better?”

“I’ve learned to work with my body. I’ve learned to work with my environment and I’ve learned to observe what’s going on within me and around me because we’re getting feedback all the time”

“The challenge in the modern world is that we become so consumed in doing that we take our focus off of who we are”

“When we experience negativity of any kind we are being triggered back to the past and we are actually reliving the past in the here and now”

“Go and sit with yourself in your common-sense corner”

“As you change your behaviours you start to change the neurology in the body”

“No matter where we are in our life whether we’re experiencing extreme challenges or extreme joy there will always be things in your life that fulfil you and make you happy”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

Episode Links

You can find Clayton John Ainger at:

Website: www.claytonjohnainger.com

Scroll down on his website to find the links to purchase The Ego’s Code book and meditation online

Clayton John Ainger on Living Fabulously with Bev episode 057.png
Clayton John Ainger on Living Fabulously with Bev episode 057.png
Clayton John Ainger on Living Fabulously with Bev episode 057.png

Is it time to break up with feeling stressed out?

Start a new relationship with calm and learn how to dump living maxed out and overwhelmed for good.

Have the ability to:

✅ Feel calm and serene

✅ Be productive and engaged

✅ Feel at ease and expansive

✅ Be free of worries

Become Calm and Collected once again when you download this FREE guided relaxation.

Plug in your earbuds and change your mood anytime of the day... not while driving of course!

Enhance your sense of well-being to feel like you’ve taken a mini-vacation in under 7 minutes a day!

Calm and Collected that’s what I want! 

046 Learn to not be STUCK on the stumbles | Bryan Falchuk

Do we allow ourselves to be reactionary and just respond to the choices that others are making or are we taking a moment to pause, breathe and look at a situation and decide what is the wisest thing we can do
— Bryan Falchuk -

What a joy to speak to Bryan Falchuk; executive, coach and author of Do a Day, who has taken his hard-won philosophy of life and turned it into a way of being. We explore how the mind and the power of choice can be used for good in our desire to let go of stress. His vulnerable sharing of his turning point to find his true motivation will have you feeling it truly is worth the level of introspection to change your own life for good.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Bryan Falchuk

We spoke about 

  • Emotional distress as a child

  • Early indicators of the impacts of stress

  • Changing how we view stress

  • The choices that we make within ourselves

  • What it means to be intelligent rational beings

  • Moving from rumination to a solution

  • Learn not to be stuck on the stumbles

  • Tools for staying on path

  • Bryan’s book Do a Day

  • Finding your true motivation

  • Your purpose pointed in a direction

Value Quotes 

“It’s not all bad. I certainly gained a number of points of independence through that stress. I grew, I rely on myself really well. I’ve always been able to rely on myself to take care of myself”

“I do feel like if you really look at someone I think you can see that there’s hurt there and you can see that there is stress.  It’s ok to open up about that and be vulnerable”

“The way that we feel about things is our own choice”

“Do we take the stress as a signal to us that hang on maybe something is not right?”

“Exercise is a positive stress on your body, you grow from stressing your muscles”

“Most people don’t take the time to get really introspective and learn about themselves in a challenging way”

“Do we allow ourselves to be reactionary and just respond to the choices that others are making or are we taking a moment to pause, breathe and look at a situation and decide what is the wisest thing we can do”

“Instead of taking a tough situation and reframing it we stew on it and we let the negativity of it expand through rumination”

“Instead of beating yourself up for what’s already happened or living in fear of what is to come we focus on just the right now”

“Sometimes when we expose who we are it allows people to have a more human connection with us”

“You must know why you do things” 

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them. 

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now! 

Bryan Falchuk on Living Fabulously with Bev Q2

Episode Links 

You can find Bryan Falchuk at:

Website:  http://www.doadaybook.com

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/doadaybook 

Here is Bryan's free exercise to help find your Why: http://www.doadaybook.com/theexercise

Bryan's TEDx talk