neural plasticity

057 The truth behind your negativity | Clayton John Ainger

No matter where we are in our life whether we’re experiencing extreme challenges or extreme joy there will always be things in your life that fulfil you and make you happy
— Clayton John Ainger -

When I first met Clayton John Ainger it felt like we’d known one another for a long time and his presence is palpable. He is an award-winning author, spiritual teacher, speaker and consultant who is so generous with sharing his own lessons, practical insights and actions.

In this episode we explore negativity and how it can be your greatest teacher when you pay attention and give it a voice. Be free and let yourself go is a catch phrase Clayton used and it’s so supportive of living fabulously.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Clayton John Ainger

We spoke about

  • An unfulfilling job and life with skewed values

  • Shifting to a journey with the Ego’s Code

  • 4 early indicators to ward off the impact of stress

  • 4 steps to addressing negativity

  • Getting out of stuckness with negative thoughts

  • Acting in line with our values

  • Clayton’s book The Ego’s Code

  • Simple ways to change your energy

Value Quotes

“A path and a journey began about really wanting to explore my own negativity, my own levels of stress that I was experiencing and how my life outside of me was being reflected outward from within me”

“What I would have done differently is not ignored the messages that have come through my negativity and the messages through stress that came up through my life”

“We experience negativity for a reason and that spiritually negativity is there to serve and help us”

“Positive thinking doesn’t work it just heightens the level of stress we have. So even though we know better why don’t we do better?”

“I’ve learned to work with my body. I’ve learned to work with my environment and I’ve learned to observe what’s going on within me and around me because we’re getting feedback all the time”

“The challenge in the modern world is that we become so consumed in doing that we take our focus off of who we are”

“When we experience negativity of any kind we are being triggered back to the past and we are actually reliving the past in the here and now”

“Go and sit with yourself in your common-sense corner”

“As you change your behaviours you start to change the neurology in the body”

“No matter where we are in our life whether we’re experiencing extreme challenges or extreme joy there will always be things in your life that fulfil you and make you happy”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

Episode Links

You can find Clayton John Ainger at:


Scroll down on his website to find the links to purchase The Ego’s Code book and meditation online

Clayton John Ainger on Living Fabulously with Bev episode 057.png
Clayton John Ainger on Living Fabulously with Bev episode 057.png
Clayton John Ainger on Living Fabulously with Bev episode 057.png

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047 Choose to create the life you want | Heidi Crockett

Having a good functioning brain, a clear mind and good relationships are important to have good mental health and to reduce stress
— Heidi Crockett -

Heidi's own grief and care giver stress propelled her into studying further and she now uses a lens of Relational Neuroscience in her work. Heidi describes this as connecting brain to brain and integration being the quality of that connection. She shares her passion of how these principles can help people to cope and thrive in their lives. We explore the nature of stress from a more scientific perspective in layman’s terms yet with incredible practical application to letting go of stress in our lives and choosing to create the life you want.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Heidi Crockett

We spoke about 

  • Turning her own grief and stress around

  • The super computer and stress response in the body

  • Becoming aware of our own stress triggers

  • Tools and resources to calm us down

  • Why it’s important to be in balance in the wellness triangle

  • How we can use choice to let go of stress

  • Heidi’s books on optimal mental health and relationship health

  • Creating the life you want

Value Quotes 

“Relational Neuroscience helped me understand the grief and stress that I was experiencing at that time and helped me overcome my grief”

“Emotional intelligence is really about learning how to recognise when you have that stress response, when you’re having a really strong emotion… and learning how to calm that down through self-regulation”

“If we can train ourselves to become aware of our bodies, we can catch these subtle signs and change before our stress response goes super out of control”

“Over time something that’s not really that stressful can build… it’s not that something happens one time it’s usually the 86th time that it happens that people just blow up and goes out of control”

“Meditation strengthens 8 of the 9 functions of the pre-frontal cortex”

“Cultivate securely attached relationships. That improves all 9 functions of the pre-frontal cortex”

“Having a good functioning brain, a clear mind and good relationships are important to have good mental health and to reduce stress”

“If you meditate every day it is amazing with the neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, it rewires your brain. It will change your experience of reality”  

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them. 

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now! 

Episode Links 

You can find Heidi Crockett at:

Website: for mental health

Heidi Crockett on Living Fabulously with Bev P Q2
Heidi Crockett on Living Fabulously with Bev P Q3
9 functions of the PreFrontal cortex

033 Exercise deliberate choice | Debbi Carberry

The story we tell women I think is really sad right now which is ‘you can have everything’. I think that’s cruel… because with that comes a massive burden
— Debbi Carberry -

A roller coaster of a story where Debbi learned so many lessons from her son who defied the medical prognosis given at a routine 18 week pregnancy scan.  I love Debbi’s philosophy that life gives you what you need and even though it can be a rough road, for me it is a metaphor of tumbling stones to get to the diamond.  Debbi shares amazing insights into human connection and our ability to change our hard wiring laid down in early childhood.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Debbi

033 Exercise deliberate choice Debbi Carberry

We spoke about 

  • A life changing decision

  • Dealing with an unsolvable challenge

  • Making a choice to let go of fear

  • Learning that we are not in control

  • The value of an optimistic outlook

  • Being the queen of self-care or being selfish?

  • The myth of having it all and being all

  • The joy of being a fearless 20 year old

  • Connection and the neuroplasticity of the brain

  • Exercising deliberate choice

  • Retraining your brain around sleep

Value Quotes 

“I have a philosophy that life gives you what you need”

“I would attack my life with fervour. It would be just like pumping through things and he kind of brought me to my knees”

“It was a rollercoaster ride where I would just get so incredibly fearful. So I lived in fear for about 6 – 8 years thinking is today the day”

“You need to stop it. You made a decision to let him live, you chose that. You need to let him live…”

“It wasn’t an option to fall in a heap on the floor. It just wasn’t an option. I was a single parent”

“I couldn’t be self-indulgent I needed to go ok what has to happen today and I think that helped me to get through that really difficult first 4 years”

“I’ve sacrificed a lot over the years and now it’s my turn and I’m loving it”

“If we do not take care of ourselves. If we are not happy then what are we giving to the people around us?”

“The story we tell women I think is really sad right now which is ‘you can have everything’. I think that’s cruel… because with that comes a massive burden”

“Looking back at my 20 year old self I grin from ear to ear because she was so fearless and so courageous and probably extraordinarily naïve”

“There’s this very interesting dance that goes on where we learn how to get our needs met and we knew that from mums and babies… this is a kind of blueprint for how we do all our relationships into adulthood”

“What we do repeatedly becomes an automated pattern of behaviour so what we need to do is when we struggle in this is not to go down that well-worn path”

“What’s the pay-off of not sleeping? That’s the first question I would ask”

“If your brain is just noisy what are you doing to download that data?”

“Don’t be complacent. Grab onto every opportunity that comes your way”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

Episode Links  

You can find Debbi Carberry at:


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