
053 Stress less and have more Energy | Reneau Peurifoy

Stress is just a message that you have some business to take care of
— Reneau Peurifoy -

An author and specialist in anxiety disorders, Reneau Peurifoy joins me and we explore stress in a very practical and accessible way including its impact on our lives. 

When you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep the truth is that many times you aren't having a sleep issue. You are having a stress issue. When we stress less we have more energy to create the life we love to live instead of expending energy on things that may never happen.

If you (or someone in your life) has difficulty physically, mentally or emotionally with the impacts of ongoing stress set aside time to listen to what Reneau shares on the subject with some really great tips on how to worry well.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Reneau Peurifoy

We spoke about 

  • The difference between stress vs stressors

  • How we respond to positive vs negative stress

  • The problem of ongoing or chronic stress

  • Busting myths about stress

  • Why people react to stress so differently

  • Types of things that trigger stress

  • Effectively managing short and long-term stress

  • A checklist of strategies to deal with stress

  • Addressing “what if” thinking or negative anticipation

  • 3 fabulous tips to be in your happy space

Value Quotes 

“Stress is designed to help your body function more effectively when you have a demand on it”

“Any danger that you perceive or any threat, your body responds to it as it it’s now, even if it’s just a thought”

“You look at any picture of a president when they first take office and when they leave office and it looks like they’ve aged two decades”

“You can deal with short term stress very effectively. It’s that chronic ongoing stress that’s very wearing on the body”

“Any strong emotion will reduce your ability to think logically”

“People who have panic attacks have a much more reactive body”

“Stress is just a message that you have some business to take care of”

“You need to have an awareness that stress is getting to you”

“When stress starts to affect you, you become more black and white in your thinking”

“If you know you’re under stress and if it’s possible delay making important decisions”

“People who worry tend to overestimate the odds that something is going to happen and then they catastrophise how awful it’s going to be”

“So much of it is so automatic that we don’t realise how irrational we can be sometimes”

“In our modern technological world, we are most impoverished is, in our relationships”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.  

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!  

Episode Links

You can find Reneau Peurifoy at:



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Reneau Peurifoy on Living Fabulously with Bev P 3.png

Have you heard about Sleep Fabulously?

A 4 week program to transform your life through your sleep in a 3 pillar (scratch that)


Body - learn what kind of sleep your body needs, the best time for your body to sleep, and uncover the mystery why you wake up at peculiar middle of the night hours.
 - overcome the racing thoughts that keep you awake, the one mind trick that will get you back to sleep every time, and the sure way to overcome excuses
 - determine the actual intrusions behind your sleep (you’ll be surprised), how to master your sleep cycle and how to ready your body clock

Body + Mind + Sleep = Sound Asleep Nights and a Throw Away Your Alarm Clock Lifestyle

047 Choose to create the life you want | Heidi Crockett

Having a good functioning brain, a clear mind and good relationships are important to have good mental health and to reduce stress
— Heidi Crockett -

Heidi's own grief and care giver stress propelled her into studying further and she now uses a lens of Relational Neuroscience in her work. Heidi describes this as connecting brain to brain and integration being the quality of that connection. She shares her passion of how these principles can help people to cope and thrive in their lives. We explore the nature of stress from a more scientific perspective in layman’s terms yet with incredible practical application to letting go of stress in our lives and choosing to create the life you want.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Heidi Crockett

We spoke about 

  • Turning her own grief and stress around

  • The super computer and stress response in the body

  • Becoming aware of our own stress triggers

  • Tools and resources to calm us down

  • Why it’s important to be in balance in the wellness triangle

  • How we can use choice to let go of stress

  • Heidi’s books on optimal mental health and relationship health

  • Creating the life you want

Value Quotes 

“Relational Neuroscience helped me understand the grief and stress that I was experiencing at that time and helped me overcome my grief”

“Emotional intelligence is really about learning how to recognise when you have that stress response, when you’re having a really strong emotion… and learning how to calm that down through self-regulation”

“If we can train ourselves to become aware of our bodies, we can catch these subtle signs and change before our stress response goes super out of control”

“Over time something that’s not really that stressful can build… it’s not that something happens one time it’s usually the 86th time that it happens that people just blow up and goes out of control”

“Meditation strengthens 8 of the 9 functions of the pre-frontal cortex”

“Cultivate securely attached relationships. That improves all 9 functions of the pre-frontal cortex”

“Having a good functioning brain, a clear mind and good relationships are important to have good mental health and to reduce stress”

“If you meditate every day it is amazing with the neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, it rewires your brain. It will change your experience of reality”  

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them. 

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now! 

Episode Links 

You can find Heidi Crockett at:

Website: for mental health

Heidi Crockett on Living Fabulously with Bev P Q2
Heidi Crockett on Living Fabulously with Bev P Q3
9 functions of the PreFrontal cortex

042 Say YES to the right things | Patti Villalobos

Learn to be honest with yourself as much as you possibly can and don’t run away from yourself because your shadow will just catch up with you
— Patti Villalobos -

Wise words from coach, course creator and teacher, Patti Villalobos who is passionate about enabling people to live better lives and reflects that this is ‘a journey worth taking’. We all wish for relationships that flourish however we can be at the people-pleasing or overtly controlling end of a spectrum and it’s tough to break entrenched patterns. This interview is a must-listen if you are ready to make a change for the better with boundaries both for your self and with others. Patti shares great analogies, stories and examples to bring clarity to the art of setting boundaries.

Inspire yourself with these essential insights from Patti Villalobos

We spoke about 

  • Starting over with a passion for helping people move forward

  • Recreating overwork and why being driven didn’t work

  • From an out of control and reactive life to better balance and self-care

  • Why we get caught up in the trap of saying yes when we mean no

  • Reframing healthy conflict by balancing the “see-saw”

  • Breaking the cycle of entrenched behaviour and patterns

  • The opportunity of creating new patterns in long term relationships

  • Building more honest relationships

  • Patti’s course ‘Set Boundaries like a Boss’

  • Embracing your shadow self to come to wholeness

Value Quotes 

“Talk about a wake up call.  This was a wake up call from my soul to say ok what are you doing?”

“With the insomnia it brought a lot of anxiety and depression because of course when you are not sleeping everything is jacked up right”

“As long as I’m being pro-active in my self-care I feel the healthiest emotionally, mentally and spiritually than I’ve ever been”

“Setting boundaries is part of being assertive and you don’t have to be mean or aggressive when you do it”

“Conflict is inevitable. You are going to have people who don’t agree with you just because they see the world different from you”

“Recognise you’re learning a skill and so don’t beat yourself up. Have grace when you don’t get it ‘right’ and practice is what makes it perfect, if there is such a thing”

“What you need to recognise is that you can’t change another’s behaviour.  What you can do, is you can change your approach and when you change your approach the interaction between the two of you is going to change”

“If you have a relationship with someone who is important to you and you start changing, that kind of freaks them out a little bit. They get afraid they’re going to lose you. They get afraid that it is reflecting back on them and that they need to change… so unconsciously they start ‘pulling at your ankles’”

“Your boundaries help you to keep moving towards your values and towards who you are wanting to be but hopefully you can do it without doing the ‘cut and run’”

“I like to look at boundaries as more than just saying no to things. Boundaries are also about saying yes to the right things”

If you got value from this episode if you have not yet done so please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes or Stitcher. You can follow the instructions here.  If you know someone else that would get value from this episode as well please share it with them.

Until next time fabulous podcast listener, I’m Bev and I invite you to live the fab life with me now!

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Patti Villalobos on Living Fabulously with Bev podcast Q2

Episode Links 

You can find Patti Villalobos at:



Brené Brown author of Rising Strong: